Monday, January 5, 2009


Hi everyone,

I hope you have had a blessed Monday. I had a great day, and I know it was truly a gift from the Lord. You see I started a new job today (same company, different division) and I was quite anxious about it - but things just fell into place perfectly. I met some very nice people, and my two new managers seem great as well. One is a Christian and is very interested in hearing about my experiences in Niger. I can already feel God's hand on my life, gently guiding me and showing me areas in my life that I still need to work on. One is patience.
I'm also reminded that each day is a gift and if we surrender our schedule to God, he can do amazing things (more than anything we could have planned for ourselves). I am looking forward to 20 more days of revelations like these.

Let's praise the Lord for this opportunity to encourage each other and grow in our faith together!



  1. That is awesome Erin! This is a good reminder for me because I’ve been focusing on my body ills rather than focusing on the Lord. I need help on surrendering my schedule to God. I hope you have many, many more revelations! Thank you for sharing.

  2. That is an encouragement to read. Maybe I should fast too.

    Karyn's friend, Beth
