Thursday, January 8, 2009

On the lighter side....

So, these past few days for me have been extraordinarily SIMPLE. So much so that I've actually said it out loud to a few people and thought that I'm going to have to "intensify" this so I sacrifice something. Remind me never to say things out loud like that, or think them for that matter, when I am only 5 days into a 21 day fast. Seriously who voices those things and doesn't expect "repercussions"? (I spelled that wrong, didn't it?) Then last night came....dinner at Matchbox. Then off to the Wizards game. It was a vendor event and we order those mini-burgers. You know, the ones the restaurant is most noted for. The ones that I've never had my three previous trips to this fine establishment. But not this time, everyone wanted those cute, buttery, juicy burgers. I had to sit there and watch as everyone else enjoyed them IMMENSELY and then continued to order pizza with gooey cheese and big chunks of chicken! (Sigh!) Me, I lamented the fact that I couldn't order anything I wanted and settled for a salad sans cheese or meat with only oil and vinegar. (Sorry for the intense description, I probably could have spared the details...) So after the game, I went home and made guacamole and ate it like it was going out of style! So much for begin spiritually on point! HA HA...


  1. Last time I was on the fast, I had to break it for a retreat I had planned on going to months before. The thing is, I was planning out all sorts of meals to eat, but then it was announced that some people from Louisiana were bringing gumbo.

  2. Mmmm ... buttery, juicy burgers dripping with gooey, cheesey, chickeny, pizza!

    Well done! Good for you for resisting the temptation of all that “Royal” food.

    Maybe next time you should say out loud something like you need to "intensify" your salary. (Yeah, I know, not very spiritual)

  3. I can totally relate to this Lisa. On Monday last week, my new coworkers decided to throw a "welcome to the region" pizza and cake party. But, I survived, and so did you, so kudos to both of us! ;)

  4. I see this is a while back now...but I just googled Daniel fast and I found this blog! My friend and I just yesterday felt convicted to do a fast of sugar and portions...then we came across this fast. So far day one is going pretty smooth (other than I am craving my black tea and honey with milk like crazy!), but I just thought I would say howdy....reading your entries has made me feel a part of something, so thank-you.

